2009-2010 Graduate Studies Bulletin (Archived Copy) [Archived Catalog]
School Psychology, Ph.D.
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Degree Requirements
A minimum of 78 credit hours of course and practica work, two hours for internship, and dissertation work (PSYC 899 ) are required.
Course work includes 30 hours of core school psychology courses, 31 hours of general psychology courses, 6 hours of education electives, and 12 hours of specialty practica.
The Ph.D. degree in school psychology also requires successful completion of a qualifying examination, a written specialty examination, and a general oral comprehensive examination. Also required is an approved Ph.D. dissertation and a one-year, predoctoral, full-time internship. Many students obtain an APA-approved (or approval-seeking) internship.
The sequence of events and more details concerning specific aspects are in the current Graduate Program in School Psychology Student Handbook, provided to all incoming students. |